Dramatically improve your soil’s ability to work for you.

Yield Builder!
Formulated with the intention to greatly stimulate key plant growth centers, especially within our soils, PS-FOUNDATION™ (1-0-1) is a plant and soil nutrient concentrate consisting of quality fertilizers, vitamins, enzymes, organic acids, chelated trace minerals, humates, kelp and a powerful non-ionic surfactant-compatible.


  • Corn & Soybeans: 12.8 – 16 ounces broadcast (preplant) or 12.8 – 1 6 oz. direct ly in row with optional 12.8-16 oz. broadcast applicat ion in the fall.
  • Peanuts: 12.8 – 16 ounces broadcast (preplant) or 12.8 – 1 6 oz. direct ly in row with optional 12.8-16 oz. broadcast applicat ion in the fall.
  • Cotton: Can be applie d pre- plant with Treflan at 12.8-16 ounces in-r ow or broadcast in conjunction with first application of roun d-u p at 12.8 – 1 6 oz. Optional 12.8 -1 6 oz. broadcast applicat ion in late fall.
  • Wheat: 12 .8 – 16 ounces broadcast just before planting, 12.8 -1 6 ounces directly in -row or 8 ounces per 100 lbs. of seed as seed treatment. 8.5-1 2.8 oz. Triple 3 Vital Boost as top-dress in conj unction with N -P-K applications.
  • Alfalfa: 12.8- 16 o z. 30-45 days prior to 1st cutting.


Mix with sufficient water to distribute evenly (minimum 10 gallons of liquid per acre). Can be tank mixed with liquid fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides and fungicides. Use in conjunction with a good soil test and soil fertility program. Always conduct a compatibility test prior to mixing any chemicals and always shake well before use.